The Pesticides Act (chapter P-9.3) stipulates that pesticide vendors and applicators must establish their competence in their activity sector and be certified by the ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP). The certification exams administered by SOFAD are prescribed by the Act and are administered online only. The certification exams administered by SOFAD are prescribed by the Act and are administered under supervision across Quebec in SOFAD authorized institutions. A certificate from the Ministère is obtained after the applicant has passed the examination prescribed by or recognized by the MELCCFP.
Training is not mandatory but allows for the acquisition of knowledge needed to pass the certification examination. For more information, visit the MELCCFP’s website at
To determine which certificate matches your activity sector, click here to view the table of certificates issued by the MELCCFP and the corresponding exams available from SOFAD. You can also contact the regional management in your area.
SOFAD offeres multiple options to allow you to properly prepare for your exam.
To register for a distance course, click the appropriate link below to download the registration form.
Printed guides for exam preparation are available.
Click here to view the available guides.
Presented in the same form as the certification examination, pre-evaluation will allow you to determine whether you are prepared enough to take the examination.
You can download the pre-evaluation (along with the answer booklet and appendix) for the EXAMSTI-01 examination free of charge by clicking on the following link: Use of Pesticides – Application on Raw Land.
You can also download the guide Utilisation des pesticides en terrain inculte (in French only) free of charge at
Please note that this guide was developed by the MELCCFP.
SOFAD does not offer distance education for this course.
The online pretests allow candidates to determine whether or not they are ready to take a certification examination. The pre-tests are only offered in French.
They consist of 25 questions and take at most one hour to complete. They are automatically corrected and candidates can see their result for each question.
The pretests serve as an indicator of a candidate’s readiness to take a certification examination. They do not guarantee that the candidate will pass the final examination.
Online pretests (in French only) are available for the following certificates:
To register for a certification exam, click on the appropriate link and order its access key.
The passing mark is 75%.
The only materials allowed are a calculator and a dictionary. No other documentation is allowed.
Upon passing this examination, applicants will receive an attestation of successful completion only (not an MELCCFP certificate). This attestation allows the recipient to apply pesticides to lawns under certain conditions, without being a certificate holder.
These conditions are set out in a memorandum of instructions issued by the MELCCFP. Click here to view the memorandum.
The passing mark for the exam is 65%.
To register for this certification exam, click on the following link and order the access key.
The only materials allowed are a calculator and a dictionary. No other documentation is allowed..