Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur

  • More than 400 adult education courses
  • Several thousand complementary resources
  • Translation of several Diversified Basic Education (DBE) study programs and various support documents (e.g. Definitions of the Evaluation Domain)
  • WordQ compatibility for ministerial examinations pursuant to reform of DBE
  • Online training for teachers of the Personal Orientation Project (POP) and Exploration of Vocational Training (Explo) programs
  • Online courses for distance learning tutors
  • Online training for workplace francization: CONNNEXION+ (ongoing)

Le centre de transfert pour la réussite éducative du Québec

Projects aimed at supporting educational success:

  • A website designed to meet the needs of learners in basic mathematics
  • A website to assist in developing strong oral and written language skills
  • A professional development website for literature teachers at the secondary and college levels
  • A kit (Dans les mots d’Annie) designed to guide service providers in helping children with communication disorders

Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec

More than 15 interactive multimedia training sessions with pre/post-testing, totalling 75 hours of training:

  • End-of-life care
  • Peristomal dermatitis: evaluation and treatment plan
  • Emergency department transfers: nurse’s responsibilities
  • Hormonal contraception
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Nursing plan
  • Code of ethics
  • Sedation analgesia
  • Chronic disease self-management
  • Anticoagulant therapy
  • Other

Éducation internationale

  • Teacher training in Burundi
  • Building capacity for teaching science and technology at the secondary level in the Congo
  • Digital learning environment for increasing the employability of Malian youth

Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques

  • Eleven online training courses (self-training guides) including assignments and evaluations, totalling 500 training hours, for workers in the field of pesticides
  • Certification exams in 15 specialties, in English and French
  • Auto correcting online pretests in six specialties

Council of Ministers of Education, Canada

Two professional development websites for Canadian French-speaking teachers:

  • Cultural approach in teaching
  • Training kit for improving oral communication in French first-language learning in minority settings: COMMUNICO

Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal

  • Platform for administering auto correcting tests and a range of skills assessment tests in office automation, French, English, and medical and pharmaceutical terminology


  • Organization’s website
  • Intranet and database on training offered by business services to members

Fédération des centres de services scolaires du Québec (FCSSQ)

The Cegep federation is also part of the steering committee for the project.

  • Online training for the placement supervisors program (75 hours)

CSS de l’Énergie

  • Online training modules in machining techniques used for a synchronous training platform

CSS de Laval

  • AVS in school child-care services
  • Digital interactive capsules for workplace francization
  • Digital interactive capsules for customer services skills

CSS des Hauts-Cantons

  • Online training (30 hours) in applied blueprint reading for wood industry workers

CS Lester-B.-Pearson

  • Promotional video on the recognition of acquired competencies (RAC) in English

CS de la Beauce-Etchemin

  • Four activity kits for the POP food program
  • Administration of industrial design examinations
  • Online secondary-level physics courses

Ministère du Développement économique, de l’Innovation et de l’Exportation

  • Interactive e-books
  • Online training module on the core functions of a business

Ministère de l’Économie, de la Science et de l’Innovation

  • Exploration and discovery game for electrical circuits

Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation

  • Internet site on trades in the bio-food industry

Ministère de l'Immigration, Diversité et Inclusion

  • Assessment specifications for the eight levels of the francization program

Les Musées de la Civilisation

Partnership between the Musées de la Civilisation, Télé-Québec, the Secrétariat aux affaires autochtones and the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur.

  • Educational kit on the First Peoples comprised of 11 digital interactives (one for each aboriginal nation)

Oxfam-Québec Club 2/3

  • Internet site on sustainable development and responsible citizenship

Canadian Heritage and Canada Interactive Fund

  • French and English Internet site on aboriginal culture and values

Société des alcools du Québec

  • Auto correcting online tests on branch management skills

Montreal Heart Institute

  • Platform for administering auto correcting tests and a range of assessment tests in office automation, French, English and medical terminology

Faculté de médecine vétérinaire de l’Université de Montréal

  • Interactive multimedia training on canine neurology
  • Training in bovine abomasum surgery
  • Clinical examination for companion animals

CFORP (Centre franco-ontarien de ressources pédagogiques)

  • Eight interactive videos on history and geography (grades 7 and 8)
  • Fifteen interactive capsules introducing various training programs


  • Educational kit (Le Nord en classe) for the elementary and secondary school geography and history program in Social Sciences
  • Educational kit (Le Québec en classe) for the elementary and secondary school geography and history program in Social Sciences
  • More than 30 Social Sciences modules at the elementary and secondary levels

Qualification Montréal

  • Promotional video on the recognition of acquired competencies (RAC) in French

CBDC Restigouche

  • More than 2500 work-related activities for developing essential digital skills aimed at adult learners in the workplace with a literacy level of 0-1 (equivalent to grade 6) and a competency level of 0 in digital literacy
  • Web-based tool, portal, LCMS, French- and English-language activity banks for tracking learners’ progress in digital literacy
  • Pretest and post-test modules for different employment sectors

Association québécoise du propane

A portal with transactional module and eight training programs, totalling 64 hours of training:

  • Working with propane – supplying the product
  • Transporting dangerous merchandise – adapted to propane
  • Filling auto propane tanks
  • Visual inspection and re-certification of bottles
  • Inspecting propane tank pressure relief valves
  • Visual inspection of propane tanks
  • Wholesale propane truck drivers
  • Characteristics and properties of natural gas and propane

Integrated health and social services centre – Laval

  • Platform for administering auto correcting tests and a range of assessment tests in office automation, French, English and medical terminology

Conseil de l'industrie forestière du Québec

Online training comprising 40 learning modules, pretests, realistic situations, typical problems and preparation for Emploi-Québec’s qualification exams, totalling more than 50 hours:

  • Electricity
  • Connection/disconnection of electrical networks
  • Heating.


  • Question banks and qualification exams in the areas of natural gas distribution and drinking water treatment

Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal

  • Website for family caregivers of a parent suffering from Alzheimer’s
  • Website (virtual stress management program) for family caregivers of a functionally dependent senior


  • Guide on antilock braking systems in heavy vehicles
  • Six learning guides on heavy vehicles
  • Digital learning environment

Manufacturiers et Exportateurs du Québec

  • Project M: NCMT (numerical control machine tools) training for machinists or operators of numerical control machining centres (50 hours of online training)

CELAC (Lucie and André Chagnon Chair in Integrated Preventative Medical Education) - Université de Montréal

  • Video of part of a medical consultation (communication and literacy)
  • Prototype capsule on literacy


  • Development capsule on work-study programs for students and workers
  • E-book on work-study programs for workplace and school stakeholders

Bureau of Private Security

  • English- and French-language online courses and training manuals for private security workers

CSMO Horticompétences

  • Learning guides and exams for the installation and maintenance of irrigation systems for irrigation workers


LMS digital learning environment (Moodle) including four online training sessions on fiscal management:

  • Accounting practices
  • Budget planning
  • Monthly financial reports
  • Annual highlights