In keeping with the objectives of the French as a Second Language Program, SOFAD offers classroom and distance learning resources that are designed to help learners develop their French-language skills and explore a culture that is not their own. Our learning guides and complementary multimedia resources help learners communicate in French both orally and in writing in a variety of contexts. Learners develop autonomy in their ability to choose the strategies that are best suited to the task at hand and to their role as reader, listener, speaker, interlocutor or writer.

  • FRENCH - DBE (SEC 3-4-5)

    In keeping with the objectives of the French as a Second Language Program (Diversified Basic Education Program, Secondary III to V – grades 9 to 11), SOFAD offers classroom and distance learning resources that are designed to help learners develop their French-language skills and use French effectively in all areas of their lives, not just in the classroom. Knowledge is contextualized and integrated into learning situations that are meaningful to learners and that require them to determine the action to be taken and the resources to be used to communicate competently.

  • FRENCH - CCBE (SEC 1-2)

    In keeping with the objectives of the French as a Second Language Program (Common Core Basic Education Program, Secondary I and II – grades 7 and 8), SOFAD offers classroom and distance learning resources that are designed to help learnersdevelop their French-language skills. The learning materials are structured around real-life situations and are closely related to the following four broad area of learnings: Citizenship; Health and Well-Being; Environmental and Consumer Awareness; and World of Work. Learners enrolled in the Anglophone sector will acquire the basic knowledge they need to become familiar with the Francophone community, whether personally, socially or professionally. 


    SOFAD's INDISPENSABLES is a collection of simple and practical reference guides. Each INDISPENSABLE complements any resource of the field of study for which they are intended, and much more! Each guide is designed to make its user autonomous by providing clear, accessible and easy to find content.