FRENCH - DBE (SEC 3-4-5)

In keeping with the objectives of the French as a Second Language Program (Diversified Basic Education Program, Secondary III to V – grades 9 to 11), SOFAD offers classroom and distance learning resources that are designed to help learners develop their French-language skills and use French effectively in all areas of their lives, not just in the classroom. Knowledge is contextualized and integrated into learning situations that are meaningful to learners and that require them to determine the action to be taken and the resources to be used to communicate competently.

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Résultats 1 - 12 sur 13.
  • Communiquer pour trouver un emploi is the third course for Secondary V French as a Second Language. In this course, learners learn effective communication skills that will help them in their job search. The learning guide, based on an independent study approach, will prepare learners to undergo a job interview in French. Communiquer pour trouver un emploi is the third course for Secondary V French as a Second...

  • Produire des textes narratifs is the second course for Secondary V French as a Second Language. This learning guide covers learning situations related to everyday life that facilitate the acquisition and use of competencies in French as a Second Language. Produire des textes narratifs is the second course for Secondary V French as a Second Language....

  • Comprendre et émettre des opinions is the first course for Secondary V French as a Second Language. This learning guide covers learning situations related to everyday life that facilitate the acquisition and use of competencies in French as a Second Language. Comprendre et émettre des opinions is the first course for Secondary V French as a Second...

  • Explorer l’histoire et la culture is the last of four courses for Secondary IV French as a Second Language. This learning guide covers learning situations related to everyday life that facilitate the acquisition and use of competencies in French as a Second Language. Explorer l’histoire et la culture is the last of four courses for Secondary IV French as a Second...

  • Lire et produire des lettres is the third of four courses for Secondary IV French as a Second Language. This learning guide covers learning situations related to everyday life that facilitate the acquisition and use of competencies in French as a Second Language. Lire et produire des lettres is the third of four courses for Secondary IV French as a Second...

  • Présenter un projet et en discuter is the second of four courses for Secondary IV French as a Second Language. This learning guide covers learning situations related to everyday life that facilitate the acquisition and use of competencies in French as a Second Language. Présenter un projet et en discuter is the second of four courses for Secondary IV French as a...

  • Consommer des biens et des services is the first of four courses for Secondary IV French as a Second Language. This learning guide covers learning situations related to everyday life that facilitate the acquisition and use of competencies in French as a Second Language. Consommer des biens et des services is the first of four courses for Secondary IV French as a...

  • Raconter un événement is the last of six courses for Secondary III French as a Second Language. This learning guide covers learning situations related to everyday life that facilitate the acquisition and use of competencies in French as a Second Language. Raconter un événement is the last of six courses for Secondary III French as a Second Language....

  • S’informer sur la santé et en discuter is the fifth of six courses for Secondary III French as a Second Language. This learning guide covers learning situations related to everyday life that facilitate the acquisition and use of competencies in French as a Second Language. S’informer sur la santé et en discuter is the fifth of six courses for Secondary III French as a...

  • Comprendre et transmettre des directives is the fourth of six courses for Secondary III French as a Second Language. This learning guide covers learning situations related to everyday life that facilitate the acquisition and use of competencies in French as a Second Language. Comprendre et transmettre des directives is the fourth of six courses for Secondary III French as...

  • Présenter un passe-temps et en discuter is the third of six courses for Secondary III French as a Second Language. This learning guide covers learning situations related to everyday life that facilitate the acquisition and use of competencies in French as a Second Language. Présenter un passe-temps et en discuter is the third of six courses for Secondary III French as a...

  • Découvrir l’univers médiatique is the second of six courses for Secondary III French as a Second Language. This learning guide covers learning situations related to everyday life that facilitate the acquisition and use of competencies in French as a Second Language. Découvrir l’univers médiatique is the second of six courses for Secondary III French as a Second...

Résultats 1 - 12 sur 13.

